What Do You Need for Oil Painting?

Art By Sandeep
2 min read6 days ago


Oil painting is a wonderful hobby that many people enjoy. If you want to start oil painting, here are some basic things you will need:

1. Oil Paints

Oil paints come in many colors. You can start with a basic set of primary colors: red, blue, yellow, black, and white. These colors can be mixed to make other colors.

2. Brushes

You will need a few good brushes. There are different types of brushes for different techniques. Flat brushes are good for large areas, while round brushes are great for details. Make sure to get brushes made for oil painting.

3. Canvas or Painting Surface

A canvas is a special type of cloth that artists paint on. You can also use canvas boards or wooden panels. Choose a surface that is ready for oil painting.

4. Palette

A palette is a flat surface where you mix your paints. You can use a wooden, glass, or plastic palette.

5. Palette Knife

A palette knife is used to mix paints and can also be used to apply paint to the canvas. It is a handy tool for creating texture.

6. Easel

An easel holds your canvas while you paint. It keeps your painting at a good angle and height. You can get a table easel or a standing easel.

7. Solvent and Mediums

Solvents like turpentine or mineral spirits are used to thin your paint and clean your brushes. Mediums like linseed oil or walnut oil can change the thickness and drying time of your paint.

8. Rags or Paper Towels

You will need rags or paper towels to wipe your brushes and clean up any spills.

9. Apron or Old Clothes

Oil paint can be messy and hard to wash out, so wear an apron or old clothes to protect yourself.

10. Varnish (Optional)

Varnish is used to protect your finished painting. It adds a glossy finish and can make the colors look more vibrant.

Getting Started

Now that you know what you need, you can start painting! Set up your workspace with good lighting. Begin by sketching your idea lightly on the canvas. Then, start painting with thin layers and build up to thicker layers.

Oil painting takes practice, so don’t worry if your first paintings don’t turn out perfect. Have fun and enjoy the process of creating art!



Art By Sandeep

I am Sandeep Sokhal, an artist who helps beginners to hone their art. Through personal support, my goal is to empower you on your artistic journey.